A second sample from I’m Coming With You (£8), Scottish PEN’s new anthology of poetry and prose drawn from its online magazine in celebration of the organisation’s ninetieth birthday.

The book’s material reflects a wide range of cultural backgrounds, language, and country. Catherine Czerkawska is an award-winning writer of novels, stories, and plays, as well as poetry.


I am small in springtime

on my father’s shoulders.

I can see everything even the

bald patches on the

heads of passing men,

a precarious and thrilling position.


My father’s hair is coal black and curly,

Polish hair as foreign as he is.

The word refugee is as familiar

to me as my own name.

I hold his ears for balance,

while he trots with me aloft.


My father’s papers proclaim him alien

which makes me half alien too.

Poland might as well be Pluto but

the iron curtain is real.

I see it sweeping across Europe

made of polished metal,

dividing kin from kin,

as unfathomable as space.


Small and safe on his shoulders

his hands steadying me,

I grip his ears and laugh.

We are what we will always be

to one another:

complicit and loving

alien invaders of

a mystifying new world.