Latest articles from Graham Suttie

Drink: an unexpected match for BBQ Spanish pork

AS I write I’m up a large mountain in Andalucia on holiday. It’s 45C, I’ve got zero wi-fi or phone reception and there's no air conditioning. My complaints lasted three seconds before I realised this was the perfect excuse to live like a local in the rural village by drinking ice-cold beer and visiting food stalls. The food was as magnetically attractive as the shade. My father-in-law calls me Nosferatu due to my tendency to hug walls and anything which casts a shadow to hide me from the sun.

Drink: the wider world of sparkling wine

I was feeling grandiose after my recent visits to the Scottish Parliament, which I felt were cause for regal celebration. It would only be right to celebrate my imminent rise to power, after all. And while reality kicked in when I got a knockback from security when I tried to use the VIP toilets, that wasn’t going to stop me from celebrating my newfound status.

Drink: Saying farewell to an old friend

WHEN we started our business 10 years ago we were struck by the support from our families, who bent over backwards to help, despite thinking we were destined for the dole. Thankfully, we proved them wrong but they have always been there for us.