THIS week let’s take a look at some of the most common misconceptions about training. I am sure that most of you will have heard at least one of these myths before. Now, before we get started, I would like to open with this: if you are working out and making steps towards a fitter, healthier self, then that is brilliant. This article is intended to shed light on misconception, not on bashing certain training methods. Doing something is better than doing nothing, but if you want the best results from the time you train, you must train smart.

The first of the myths I have split into parts A and B, as they pretty much always go hand in hand.

Part A: Lifting heavy weights will make me bulky

This one is mostly for the ladies. Years ago when I worked in a more commercial gym I would hear this at least once a week without fail. Men and women have different hormone levels. The hormone testosterone is required to build big muscles. Men have around 10 times the amount of testosterone that women do. Putting on muscle mass is hard enough for us guys and we are genetically blessed with way more if the key ingredient. The great thing about lifting heavy weights is that it will make you strong and help you burn more calories day to day. To become muscular and bulky would require a level of dedication that most simply do not have nor have time for.

Part B: Lift light weights for more repetitions to tone up

Leanness and definition come from muscle and low body fat percentage. If you only ever use light weights you will never build any muscle and in turn struggle to burn that stubborn fat. Lifting a heavier weight for 5-8 reps will burn twice as many calories as lifting a lighter load for 15 reps. Don't fear lifting heavy, as I've already mentioned it will take a lot more than a few weight training sessions per week to turn you into the Hulk.

The more you sweat, the more fat you lose

We all love a good, sweaty workout. It makes you feel like you have worked even harder, burned even more calories, lost even more weight. I’m afraid it’s just not as simple as that. Sweat is simply your body's way of getting rid of heat. Yes, it shows an elevation in metabolism but this does not directly relate to calories burned. As we get fitter our bodies actually become better at thermo regulation (cooling down) meaning even when we are working at a moderate intensity sweating can occur.

Don't squat low, it’s bad for your knees

The ability to squat is one on the most fundamental human movements we lose as we age. Look at any baby up to two years old. When they pick things up from the floor you will see an incredible squat. Ankle, knee and hip mobility at its finest. Now add 20 years plus of sitting at desks, in cars, on western toilets and you will see this ability lost or severely diminished. Compare this to Asia where the toilets are mainly on floor level and now see men and women right up to their 70s perform full squats just as they did (maybe a little slower) when they were toddlers. Knee, hip and back pain often come from poor mobility and weakness. Squat with good form and you will build strong knees not damage them.

100 sit ups a day will give me abs and tone my mid section

If this was true we would all have the torso of Brad Pitt or Jessica Ennis-Hill. The seven-minute abs YouTube video you have been doing every night will do little for you I'm afraid. Take the time you spend working your abs and devote it to prepping your food. We all have abs, yes I said it, all of us! If you want to see said abs you must aim for a body fat percentage below 15 and if you want to look like a cover model, below 10. This type of body fat percentage can only be achieved by eating the right foods, staying hydrated and following a well-constructed training plan.

Machines are safer than free weights

The only thing I would agree on is that it's harder to injure yourself by dropping the machine on your foot than a free weight. Regarding training however, resistance machines are built to size, meaning they have many fixed parts. We humans are all shapes and sizes and require a variety of possibilities. Opt for free weights and get an increased workout stimulus learning the skill of weight training. Just don't drop them on your foot or head.

The best way to make the most of your training is to contact an experienced trainer, talk about your goals and set a plan to achieve those goals. Be consistent with your training and your eating and you will see results.

Get in touch with us for more information on training or just to share your fitness stories. Keep it up.

Everyday Athlete gym is located in the heart of Glasgow and provides a unique, fun training environment geared towards helping clients achieve their health and fitness goals. The dedicated team at Physio Effect provides a full package of services that will ensure you’re supported through injury prevention, assessment, recovery and helping you achieve your ultimate performance goals. We offer a range of services: physiotherapy, sports massage, pilates, yoga and mobility. Unit 18B, 100 Borron Street, Glasgow, G49XG;