The leaders of North and South Korea have met for historic talks, marking a major milestone in efforts to settle tensions between the rival nations.

From Kim Jong Un’s unprecedented step over the border, to the spectacle of both leaders smiling and chatting, here is how the event played out in pictures.

South Korea Koreas SummitSouth Korean president Moon Jae-in waves as he leaves Seoul to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Friday (AP/Ahn Young-joon)
Koreas SummitMr Kim, centre right, arrives with his delegation at the north side of the Demilitarised Zone (Korea Summit Press Poo/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitA smiling Mr Kim approaches Mr Moon (Korea Broadcasting System/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe leaders shake hands over the demarcation line (Korea Broadcasting System/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitPeople watch the historic occasion at Seoul Railway Station (AP/Ahn Young-joon)
South Korea Koreas SummitMr Kim crosses the frontier, the first leader to do so since the end of the Korean war (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe pair pose for cameras during the symbolic moment (Korea Broadcasting System/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe pair briefly crossed over to the north side of the border (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
Koreas SummitThey met children from a school on the border (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe leaders were escorted to the Peace House summit venue by a ceremonial military guard (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
Koreas SummitThey also inspected gathered troops (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe pair chatted and smiled as they walked (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)
Koreas SummitMr Kim signed a guest book (Korea Broadcasting System/AP)
South Korea Koreas SummitThe leaders then sat down for talks, with Mr Kim accompanied by his sister, Kim Yo Jong, to the right (Korea Summit Press Pool/AP)