IT had to happen.

So often we hear Brexit means breakfast – no names mentioned – and so Amber Rudd, once of the Home Office, informed MPs that a food manufacturer in her Hastings constituency had come up with a very good breakfast sauce dubbed "the full English Brexit".

The Remainer quipped it would be appreciated by many of her Brexiteer colleagues, “although it's a little too hot for me," she admitted.

The head girl responded by suggesting her colleague, the ardent Brexiteer Peter Bone, “might well like to put the hot English Brexit sauce on his breakfast sausages”.

It was a lighter moment in what was, for the most part, another dour ding-dong between Thezza and Jezza on what the Treasury likes to call a “fiscal event”.

In a rowdier PMQs than usual – which is saying something – the chief comrade denounced what he called a “broken-promise Budget” as the PM’s claim of an end to austerity was, frankly, laughable.

But Mother Theresa had been handed something of a large stick with which to beat the socialists by John McDonnell, who, much to his comrades’ annoyance, had said a Labour government would not scrap Fiscal Phil’s Budget tax cuts for England’s better-off.

She told MPs on Monday Jezza had said cutting taxes for 32 million people was frittering money away on “ideological tax cuts” but on Tuesday the Shadow Chancellor announced Labour would support the tax cuts. Tories barked a loud “ah!”.

Thezza then aimed her punch at Mr C’s chin. “When he stands up, perhaps he can tell the House whether he will back the tax cuts and vote for the Budget.”

Of course, he won't.

The Labour chief claimed amid Tory barracking the Budget had shown the PM’s pledge to tackle Britain’s burning injustices had “fizzled out”.

When the head girl led the Conservative chorus in what had “come down” under the Tories - borrowing, unemployment and income tax - she then led them in another chorus of what had “gone up” - support for public services, growth and wages.

Now it was the turn of the comrades to barrack but the PM declared to Tory cheers of “more!”: “As long as it takes, I am going to tell them.”

Thankfully, there were no Hallowe’en quips from MPs but it is noticeable when the PM gets into her full headmistress mode, she sounds remarkably like Thatcher. Spooky.