FOR Sue Wade (Letters, November 17) to suggest I showed "a tone of sympathy and safety concerns for Samuel Ciornei" (Letters 17th November 2017) is poppycock. My only "concern" would be for the prison and medical staff obliged to clean up the inevitable mess after any such "vigilante attack", to say nothing of the spiralling costs of the inevitable inquiry resultant providing another dripping roast for lawyers at the taxpayers' expense.

In case cost-saving is Ms Wade's real concern, experience has proven multinational prison transfer agreements – whereby inmates serve their sentence back in their homeland – are seldom honoured in full, and former Communist bloc nations have demonstrated a particular untrustworthiness with just about every bilateral deal not to their profit. Cutting corners doesn't work; as the French discovered in their repeat deportations of the same Russian football hooligans during the last UEFA European Championship.

For British justice to be served as the public rightly demands so we may live in safety, British prisons are the only solution for those who commit crime on our shores.

Mark Boyle,

15 Linn Park Gardens, Johnstone.