YOU report that the plaque on the pillar of the Edinburgh statue of Henry Dundas is to be re-written in the interests of historical accuracy and political correctness ("City ready to address true role of slavery politician", The Herald, August 14). Why stop at Henry Dundas? Why not set up a group to examine every statue in Scotland to ensure that all inscriptions are up to modern standards of acceptability?

For example, we could make sure that, on statues of Robert Bruce, his sacrilegious role in the murder of Red Comyn in Dumfries Abbey is recognised. I find it surprising that Edinburgh City Council resolved to set up a panel to consider revisions to the Dundas plaque and that people have the time and inclination to serve on it, including Bobby Melville, the current Viscount of that name.

This activity shows a lack of appreciation of life as it was lived at that time. The application of today’s moral values and ethical judgments in this way to events and actions of ages ago, in my opinion, is a somewhat incoherent and futile exercise. One wonders what particular personage, currently represented in Edinburgh in statue form, is to be next for this treatment?

Ian W Thomson,

38 Kirkintilloch Road, Lenzie.