IT has been happening for a while now, but I am getting to my truly scunnered limit. Listening to Any Questiobs on Radio 4 blew my pressure valve. The programme returned to the now fashionable theme of pensioners living the high life, like me on my only income - a state pension of just over £700 per month. We oldies in the UK receive one of the lowest pensions in any developed country. Nevertheless, there seems to be a growing campaign to rubbish OAPs from younger (of course), must-have-it-now property-ladder grievance folk. £700 per month (not a benefit but a contractual financial agreement) seems undeserving for my modest lifestyle.

As a retired nurse, I was well aware of a similar campaign when the Westminster Government focused its sights on the nursing profession. The Junior doctors followed. Think back and you will come up with other examples. There are many more from the dockers to the miners: a systematic campaign to show each group as worthless and undeserving of empathy. More than that, they became the "enemy within". Weaken their reputations then do what you like because you have got public opinion on your side.

Because I cannot be described by occupation but only by age, I feel that this state thought-manipulation goes further than before. It is an open demonstration of blatant ageism.

We silver surfers, oldies, OAPs, senior citizens or whatever rubbish nomenclature is bestowed upon us by those so-clever “junior citizens” who have seen it all as true citizens of the world, need mutual support. Can we identify ourselves so that we can support each other when these ageist ideas are detected?

We have the most reason to see Scottish independence soon.

Peter Barjonas,

Parkview Terrace, Latheronwheel, Latheron, Caithness.